Already a world traveler at a ripe young age of 11 months,

this adorable Jindo-mix is a perfect demonstration of the love and fulfillment you experience when rescuing a dog. 

Scotch was saved from the horrific conditions and cruelty of the South Korean meat trade. After being cared for, vaccinated, and neutered by veterinarians in South Korea, little Scotch made the long journey to his new life in San Diego.

Check out the rescue that saved Scotch here.

Despite having been rescued at a young age, Scotch was still a very timid pup when he was adopted by his new parents, James and Chrisette. As soon as they got him home, his behavior made it clear that their new pup might need more time than usual adjusting to his new life. 

"He was so scared of being outside, and absolutely hated loud noises."

“He was so scared of being outside, and absolutely hated loud noises”, Chrisette explains. Even thinking his food, blanket, or toys were being taken away would make Scotch so anxious he’d vomit.

There’s no doubt that building a strong bond and trust with any new dog is the best way to help them gain confidence and feel safe in their new home. Experts say one of the best ways to do that is by going on walks together. Given his fear of being outdoors, this was proving to be a little more difficult for Scotch and his folks, until they finally found a solution. 

“The Martingale Collar has done wonders for my very timid guy!” exclaims Chrisette, “And we absolutely hated those poop bag holders that would dangle and hit you the whole time. So clunky and noisy...the Cargo Leash makes walking so much easier. Since using both the Best Life Cargo Leash and Martingale collar, Scotch has been able to learn how to walk with confidence...and now run!”

Check out 6 things you’ll love about that leash here.

Jump ahead 4 months later and Scotch has made leaps and bounds of progress!

He still won’t eat unless he’s alone and will still “anxious vomit” if he thinks he won’t be given food, but his owners choose to focus on the positive strides he’s made. “We’re still learning a lot about him”, Chrisette explains, “His personality really just started showing through.” 

Although it's been a difficult road, Scotch's parents wouldn't have it any other way.

“The reward of love that this puppy gives us is more than enough to overcome those hardships”, they say, “knowing that you actually saved a dog’s life really changes the game. It makes having a dog more purpose driven.” 

James and Chrisette know that hearing Scotch’s rescue story and seeing his progress will inspire more people to rescue, so they share their stripes using Best Life’s leash and collar. 

 Do you have a rescue dog you’re proud of?

Show off your rescued dog and start inspiring more people to rescue.

Purchase your Cargo Leash today!

(Click here to purchase)

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