One summer...
my friend invited me to her neighborhood’s big annual block party.
As soon as I arrived, the warm greeting from every person who was there, plus the smell of grilled hamburgers and hot dogs in the air immediately made me glad I had decided to come.

Fast forward to later in the evening when a young couple with 2 kids shared the exciting news that they were getting a puppy tomorrow!!! 😃
The block party that had almost started to dwindle down was now buzzing with excitement.
Until she told everyone how she was just happy they finally found a breeder close enough who had puppies ready by tomorrow...
And even for half the cost compared to other breeders!
Everyone slowly started packing things up. No conversations, other than a confirmation of belongings or thank you here and there.
Some people even forced a half ass smile as they walked by the once excited (now confused) young couple.
If you’re thinking that sounds awkward af…that’s because it was.

The young couple did get their Frenchie puppy and I watched how the interactions between the neighbors completely changed.
They were still civil…but this neighborhood group consisted mostly of dog rescue advocates. So there was this uncomfortable tension hanging between them that no one seemed to address at any point.
So I did a thing…
I went ahead and talked to the Frenchie couple. As it turns out…
They knew nothing about rescue groups, shelters, or unethical “backyard” breeders and puppy mill operations operating locally.
They thought only old, aggressive, or sick dogs could be adopted from certain shelters. And puppy mill operations were giant schemes very easy to spot...just stay away from pet stores that sell puppies!
No one had ever told them otherwise. So why would they believe anything different than what they had been told before?
We had a friendly, non-judgmental conversation where I educated them about dog rescue, adoption, and the differences between ethical and unethical breeders.
And guess inspired them to adopt a Frenchie from their local rescue the following year.
Education is a very powerful thing when it comes to dog adoption and rescue.
But it's incredibly difficult to do without someone getting offended over being judged, or emotional over a deep passion that isn't being recognized.
This is just one of the many ways Best Life Leashes' Cargo Leash (and other stripe gear) with the two stripes have gotten more dogs adopted into forever homes.
The Symbol For Rescue Dogs® educates and inspires more people to adopt without even having to say a single word.